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10pcs pack 30ml Test Tube Plastik Silinder Transparan Botol Laboratorium
Rp 260.000Stok | Pre Order |
Kategori | Laboratorium |
10pcs pack 30ml Test Tube Plastik Silinder Transparan Botol Laboratorium
Item: refillable bottle (includes pressure-sensitive-film)
Material: PET bottle, aluminum cover
1) 30ml: total height 109mm, bottle height (not include the cap)108mm, bottle body diameter 24mm, caliber 28mm.
2) 40ml: total height 141mm, bottle height (not include the cap)140mm, bottle body diameter 25mm, caliber 28mm.
3) 70ml: total height 150mm, bottle height (not include the cap)149mm, bottle body diameter 29mm, caliber 32mm.
4) 100ml: total height 160mm, bottle height (not include the cap)159mm, bottle body diameter 33mm, caliber 36mm.
10pcs pack 30ml Test Tube Plastik Silinder Transparan Botol Laboratorium
Berat | 250 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 129 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
Lemari Penyimpanan Alat LaboratoriumBahan Epoxy Steel, Kimia Epoxy Steel Lemari Penyimpanan AlatLaboratorium, Bahan Kimia 900Dimensi : 900x500x1800mmMaterial : Steel Plat 1.5mmFinishing Epoxy Chemical Resistant2 Pintu Berkaca2 Pintu tanpa tutup5 Ruang, 4 Sekat
Rp 7.500.000Barang ini diproduksi saat order, lama produksi tergantung Barang Meja Laboratorium 0130 Rack Mobile Drawer (Meja khusus peneliti/laboran) Ukuran : 1300 x 600 x 750 mm Bahan : Multiplek 18mm, lapis Full HPL* High Pressure Laminate (Tahan Kimia umum, air, jamur, panas) Meja untuk 1 orang Meja Kerja : HPL (High Presure Laminate) 1 Unit… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSLemari asam Full ECO 100x60x200 Full HPL warna Putih Tidak knockdown Meja kerja Keramik Dimensi 100x60x200 Saluran air kran + wastafel
Rp 11.500.000Kapasitas 15kg/hr Dimensi Luar: 1000x800x800 (mm) Dimensi Ruang: 800x500x500 (mm) Volume Ruang: 0.2m^3 Pembakaran: Solar Burner Electrical Control Blower Dengan Scrubber, bebas asap Cerobong 1.5m
*Harga Hubungi CSBarang ini diproduksi saat order, lama produksi tergantung Barang Meja Laboratorium HPL 0130 Ukuran : 1300 x 600 x 750 mm Bahan : Mild Steel Finishing Powder Coating/Epoxy Chemical Resistant Meja untuk 2 orang Meja Kerja : HPL (High Presure Laminate) 1 Unit Laci Dilengkapi roda dan stopper untuk mobile Dapat digunakan sebagai PCR Cabinet
*Harga Hubungi CSINCENERATOR SAMPAH MEDIS 30kg/jam -Material besi 3mm -Dilapisi bata Tahan api -Semen Tahan api. -panel control electrical -control suhu -blower Udara -Burner -Srubber (Penyaring Asap) -Material Stainless Steel -Bahan bakar solar – penyimpanan solar Kapsitas 50 Liter atau lebih – Corong Tinggi 3 meter Bahan plat. -pintu + engsel + kuncinya
Rp 120.000.000MEJA PRAKTIKUM STAINLESS 300/304-12 Material : Stainless Steel 304, Ketebalan 1.2mm Dimensi : 3000x1000x850mm 12 Kursi Stainless Steel Kapasitas 12 Siswa/Orang/Laboran
*Harga Hubungi CSTanyakan stok sebelum memesan ya JOANLAB manual adjustalbe 8-12 channel multichannel pipette Brand name:Joanlab Product name:manual adjustalbe 8-12 channel multichannel pipette Volume range:0.5ul-300ul 1.8 and 12 channel pipettes are available for standard 96-well plate 2.Dispensing head rotates for optimum pipetting convenience 3.Compound material tip cone assemblies allow easy repair and maintenance 4.can be used with… selengkapnya
Rp 5.200.000Tanyakan stok dulu sebelum membeli
*Harga Hubungi CSTanyakan stok sebelum memesan ya JOANLAB manual adjustalbe 8-12 channel multichannel pipette Brand name:Joanlab Product name:manual adjustalbe 8-12 channel multichannel pipette Volume range:0.5ul-300ul 1.8 and 12 channel pipettes are available for standard 96-well plate 2.Dispensing head rotates for optimum pipetting convenience 3.Compound material tip cone assemblies allow easy repair and maintenance 4.can be used with… selengkapnya
Rp 6.250.000
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