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- Meja Laboratorium Wash Table Epoxy Sink
- Sea Scooter Underwater Diving Snorkeling 1 Tangan
- Portable Ring Basket Akrilik 15mm 105x180cm Model
- Head Mini Laminar Air Flow Horizontal 455x650x1000
- Passbox Epoxy Murah 60x60x60cm Lengkap
- Passbox Epoxy Murah 50x50x50cm Lengkap
- Lemari Asam / Fume Hood Body HPL Meja Keramik
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Trolley Laboratorium SS 304 3 Tray 3 Tingkat
Stok | Pre Order |
Kategori | Laboratorium |
Trolley Laboratorium SS 304 3 Tray 3 Tingkat
Trolley Laboratorium SS 304 – 3 Tray
Bahan Stainless steel 304
Dimensi : 800x500x1000mm
Knockdown system, Three Shelves, 4 Wheel (2 with stopper)
Penyangga Pipa/Hollow Stainless steel 304
Trolley Laboratorium SS 304 3 Tray 3 Tingkat
Berat | 300 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 126 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
(Mengukur kandungan Formalin dalam makanan dan minuman)Isi : 1 Botol Reagent Formalin 1 10 ml1 Botol Reagent Formalin 2 4 ml1 Botol / Wadah Kaca1 Lembar Cara PemakaianUntuk 50 Test uji
*Harga Hubungi CSISLAND BENCH 450 Phenolic (Meja Tengah Laboratorium, Center Table, Complete set) Dimensi : 4500x1500x850mm Bahan Rangka : Multiplex 18mm lapis Full High Pressure Laminate 12 Pintu, 10 Laci Top Table : Phenolic Resin 6mm, Ex. USA (Tahan asam, basa, jamur, air* (Lihat ketahanan bahan) Ada Sambungan Top Table Rak bertingkat 6 Closed cap Electric socket… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSKimberlite, Quartzite, Ledikite claystone, Limestone, Gritstone, Quartz sandstone, Coarse siltstone, Glauconitic sandstone, Diorite, Simaite, Vesticular basalt, Shallow particle rock, Augite, Calcareous sandstone, Mica schist, Mellar packsand, Siliceous sandstone, Green schist, Crinoidal limestone, Verrucano, Picrite, Diorite-porphyrite, Silty siliceous shale, Chalcedonic, Flint zebra limestone, Muscovite-quartz schist, Green rock- fragment sandstone, Calcirudyte, Dolomite, Chlorite-garnet schist, Olivinization marble, Oolite… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSMicrobial Biological Sampler, Plankton, Air, Dust, Bacteria Sampler An efficient porous inhalation dust and bacteria sampler; The sampling head has countless micro-holes, so that the microorganisms are evenly distribute on the surface of the agar, which reduces the overlap of dust and bacteria, and reduce the error of microbial counting Sampling flow : 100L/min Sampling… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSDehumidifer 30m2 (Alat penyerap Lembab, mengurangi kadar air udara) Rekomendasi Luas Ruangan (max) : 30 m2 Kemampuan Dehumidifikasi (liter per hari) : 10 liter per hari Kapasitas Penampungan Air : 2 liter Integrated Hygrostat : 4 tingkat Mode : Swing & Night Tingkat Kebisingan : 32 – 42 dB Konsumsi Daya (max) : 210 Watt… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSTanyakan stok dulu lewat chat ya. Brand Name: JOAN LAB Product Name: JOAN LAB LIQUID NITROGEN CONRAINER 1.High quality aluminum alloy Anti-rust. 2.Durable and lightweight. 3.High vacuum multilayer insulation design, provide vacuum time
Rp 4.600.000Lemari Asam HEAD HPL 70x60x12 PhenolicUkuran : 700 x 600 x 1200 mmMaterial Body : Multiplex 18 mm lapis HPLMeja Kerja : Phenolic ResinModel : Bagian atas saja (Head only)Untuk di atas meja yang telah ada di ruangan/LabAir Flow 1100 m3/h, 2800 rpmPintu atas spiral balances dapat diatur naik turun diketinggian manapun Wajib packing kayu!
Rp 11.000.000Sling Hygrometer, Bacharack Alat untuk mengukur kelembaban relative suatu ruangan/area, dengan cara diputar Lightweight and compact Manual operation – no power supply required. Measuring range: –5 to 50°C (30 to 110°F) RH Accuracy: ±5% RH Convenient Self contained instrument with a built in slide rule for the calculation of % RH and dewpoint.
*Harga Hubungi CSTanyakan stok sebelum membeli ya
*Harga Hubungi CSSyringe Spuit Metal Glass 50 cc/ml Material : Glass Ujung : Metal Luer Lock Paking pengiriman menggunakan styrofoam sehingga aman di perjalanan.
Rp 480.000
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