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Gagang / Handle Pintu Passbox Ukuran Sedang
Stok | Tersedia |
Kategori | Laboratorium |
Gagang / Handle Pintu Passbox Ukuran Sedang
Handle untuk Pintu Passbox Sistem Hook Luar
Gagang / Handle Pintu Passbox Ukuran Sedang
Berat | 300 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 106 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
Produksi Saat Order, Lama Produksi tergantung barang, ISB-8 PP 5mm Body : Multiplex 18mm, Full High Pressure Laminate Top Table : Polypropylene 5mm (Putih susu transparan) Dimensi : 2400x1200x850mm 6 Pintu, 12 Laci
*Harga Hubungi CSLemari Asam Duraline 5FT-DL1500, Ex.USA/Malaysia Ukuran : 1500 x 810 x 2400 mm Material External : Electro-Galvanises Material Internal : Fiber reinforced Polyester Meja Kerja : Epoxy Resin 18mm Thick Complete with : Oval Polypropylene Drip Cup, OD 150mm 1x Remote control water & outlet 1x Remote control gas & outlet 2×20 watt Fluorescent light… selengkapnya
Rp 140.000.000For determining grain size distribution of soil particles or sand/ gravel. sieve ayakan mesh 300 test sieve mesh 300 full stainless steel diameter 20cm mesh stainles steel
*Harga Hubungi CSTanyakan stok dulu sebelum membeli ya
*Harga Hubungi CSKapasitas 15kg/hr Dimensi Luar: 1000x800x800 (mm) Dimensi Ruang: 800x500x500 (mm) Volume Ruang: 0.2m^3 Pembakaran: Solar Burner Electrical Control Blower Dengan Scrubber, bebas asap Cerobong 1.5m
*Harga Hubungi CSPass Box Stainless Steel 100x100x50 cmListrik+Lampu UVC+Lampu TL+Interlock DoorDimensi : 1000x1000x500mm ( Lebar x Tinggi xKedalaman )Material : Stainless Steel 304 ketebalan 1.2mmPintu Interlock Door (Jika 1 Pintu terbuka, 1 Pintupasti tertutup)Electromagnetic Door1 Unit Lampu Ultraviolet1 Unit Lampu TL1 Pintu sebagai Aktif, Mengirim material (MengaturPower, Lampu UV, TL, dan buka Tutup pintu,dilengkapi lampu 3ndicator)1 Pintu… selengkapnya
Rp 21.000.000The noise meter can be used to measure directly or to save readings over a long period of time. The data can be transfered to a PC via an RS-232 connector or by analogue output and analysed in various formats. The software that is included allows you to transfer the readings to other programs so… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSTanyakan stok sebelum membeli ya Terdiri dari : Plasmodium vivax W.M., Plasmodium falciparum W.M., trophozoite of toxoplasma gondii W.M, adult of Fasciolopsis buski sec., Adult of Fasciola hepatica sec., adult of paragonimus westermani.W.M, Schistosoma japonicum(female)W.M, Schistosoma japonicum(male)W.M., Sexual mosaic of Schistosoma japonicum W.M., Eggs of Schistosoma japonicum W.M.(natural color), Miracidium of Schistosoma japonicumW.M., Cercaria of… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSProduksi saat order, lama produksi tergantung barang dan Workforce load Listrik + Interlock Door Dimensi : 600x600x400mm ( Lebar x Tinggi x Kedalaman ) Material : Epoxy Pintu Interlock Door (Jika 1 Pintu terbuka, 1 Pintu pasti tertutup) 1 Pintu sebagai Aktif, Mengirim material (Mengatur Power dan buka Tutup pintu, dilengkapi lampu indikator) 1 Pintu… selengkapnya
Rp 6.000.000Andesite, Granodioritee, Basalt, Peridotite, Granite, Rhyolite, Gabbro, Glaucophane, Eclogite, Peridotite, Peridotite-Serpentinite, Serpentinite, Migmatite, Gneiss, Green Schist, Serpentinite, Quartz, Feldspar, Mica, Sandstone, Conglomerate, Oolitic limestone, Organic/biogenic limestone, Chemical limestone
*Harga Hubungi CS
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