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100 Jenis Preparat Histologi untuk Kelas SMA & Kuliah
Stok | Tersedia |
Kategori | Laboratorium |
100 Jenis Preparat Histologi untuk Kelas SMA & Kuliah
Tanyakan stok sebelum membeli ya
Simple squamous Epithelium sec., Simple Cuboidal Epithelium sec., Simple
Columna Epithelium sec, Columna Pseudo strtified cillated epithelium,
Stratified squamous Epithelium sec, Transitinl Epethelium sec, Ciliated
Epithelium, Epidermis from mouth, Glandular Epithelium sec, Loose
Connective Tissue w.m, Dense Connective Tissue w.m, Adipose Tissues sec.,
Hyaline Cartilage sec., Elastic Cartilage sec., Fibro Cartilage sec.,
Chromosome Nonmal Female w.m, Chromosome Nonmal Male w.m,
Medulla oblongata sec, Red marrow smear, Smooth Muscle Teased
Preparation w.m, Blood smear, Hair whole mount, Smooth Muscle l.s and
c.s, Skeletal Muscle l.s and c.s, Cardiac Muscle sec, Spinal Card l.s and c.s,
Sciatic nerve l.s., Motor neuron w.m, Motor Nerve Endings w.m, Tongue
l.s. show filiform papilla, Esophagus sec., Trachea sec., Stomach sec.,
Stomach fundic portion sec., Stomach Cardiac Region sec., Stomach
Pyloric Region sec., Small Intestine c.s, Duodenum sec., Jejunum sec.,
Ileum c.s. show villi and goblet cells, Appendix sec., Large Intestine sec.,
Colon sec., Rectum sec., Pancreas sec., Spleen sec, Liver sec, Gall Bladder sec,
Fat layer, Fibroblast, Nerve cells, Brochiolus, Lung sec, Artery sec, Vein
sec, Large artery sec, Large vein sec, Heart l.s.whole, Kidney l.s, Kidney
with Blood Vessel Injected sec., Ureter sec., Ovary sec., Placenta sec.,
Sperms smear, Epididymis sec, Prostate Gland sec., Fallopian Tube sec,
Penis c.s, Cervix sec, Thyroid Gland sec, Thymus Gland sec, Mammary
gland sec, Adrenal Gland sec, Lymph Node sec, Salivary gland c.s.,
Cerebrum sec, Cerebellum sec, Pituitary gland c.s., Tendon teased c.s., eye
entail sec, Eyeball sec, Skin sec show Thick Cornifie Layer, Skin Sec
Through sweat Gland, Skin Sec Through Hair Folicle, White fibrous tissue,
Mucous tissue ,umbilical cord, Decalcified bone c.s., Infant developing bone
section, Developing membrane bone, muscle-tendon junction l.s., muscle
spindle, Nerve bundle, sympathetic ganglion, motor cortex section, sentor
cortex, cerebellar cortex, Palatine tonsil, thin skin from palm section, finger
nail section, stomach-duodenal junction l.s.
100 Jenis Preparat Histologi untuk Kelas SMA & Kuliah
Berat | 300 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 100 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
Listrik+Lampu UVC+Lampu TL+Interlock Door Dimensi : 1000x1000x500mm ( Lebar x Tinggi x Kedalaman ) Material : Stainless Steel 304 ketebalan 1.2mm Pintu Interlock Door (Jika 1 Pintu terbuka, 1 Pintu pasti tertutup) Electromagnetic Door 1 Unit Lampu Ultraviolet 1 Unit Lampu TL 1 Pintu sebagai Aktif, Mengirim material (Mengatur Power, Lampu UV, TL, dan buka… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSEnkas Stainless Steel 304 Bahan Stainless Steel 304 Meja Kerja Stainless Steel 304 Dimensi : 800 x 600 x 500 mm Dilengkapi sarung pembungkus hitam, untuk mencegah manusia melihat sinar UV jika sedang proses sterilisasi
Rp 6.500.000(Tempat reaksi ruang steril, Sistem HEPA Sirkulasi ulang udara) Horizontal : Hembusan angin steril dari dalam ke luar Multiplex 18 mm dilapisi dengan HPL UV Lamp, TL Lamp Meja kerja Stainless steel Complete with blower, Pre Filter dan HEPA filter bersertifikat Dimensi HEPA : 915x610x70mm DOP 99.999% at 0.3 μm HEPA bersertifikat (Filter Quality Assurance… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSScrub sink 2 Person Stainless Steel 304/Scrub Sink Wastafel 2 Bay Stainless Steel MATERIAL : STAINLESS 304 DIMENSI : 1200 x 600 x 1200 mm ( P x L x T ) 2 UNIT WATER FAUCET TAP ( PEDAL ) FILTER Lampu UV Matrial stainless Steel 304 Anti karat Wajib packing kayu!
Rp 15.500.000Petersen Grab Van Veen Besar 350x420x900 Bottom Sampler besar Stainless 304 Lebar 350mm Panjang 420mm Tinggi 900mm Bobot berat 27 kg Dilengkapi Tali 50 meter
*Harga Hubungi CSProduksi saat order, lama produksi tergantung barang dan Workforce load Listrik + Interlock Door Dimensi : 600x600x400mm ( Lebar x Tinggi x Kedalaman ) Material : Epoxy Pintu Interlock Door (Jika 1 Pintu terbuka, 1 Pintu pasti tertutup) 1 Pintu sebagai Aktif, Mengirim material (Mengatur Power dan buka Tutup pintu, dilengkapi lampu indikator) 1 Pintu… selengkapnya
Rp 6.000.000Tanyakan stok sebelum memesan ya
Rp 11.500.000Tanyakan stok dulu sebelum membeli ya
*Harga Hubungi CS
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