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200 Jenis Preparat Animal & Insect
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Kategori | Laboratorium |
200 Jenis Preparat Animal & Insect
Tanyakan stok sebelum membeli ya
Preparat Binatang 100 Jenis :
Paramecium, Euglena, Rotife, Spincule of Spongia W.M., Cyclops, Hydra
T.S., Hydra C.S., Planaria C.S., Earthworm C.S., Eggs of Taenia solium W.M.,
Taenia Pisiformis Section, Ascarid Egg W.M., Ascaris C.S., Mosquito-Female
W.M., Mosquito – Male W.M., Mosquito Larva W.M., Nymph T.S., Hirudo T.S.,
Liver fluke Section, Drosophila – Female W.M., Drosophila – Male W.M.,
Drosophila – Larva W.M., Fish Scales W.M., Skin of Fish Sec., Fish gill C.S.,
Testis of Fish T.S., Ovary of Fish T.S., Simple-cell of egg of Frog Sec., Frog
Epidermic Cell Section, House Fly Leg W.M., Honeybee Foreleg, Honeybee
Worker Leg-Composite W.M., Grasshoper foot , The butterfly leg,
Grasshoper antenna, Honeybee antenna, Antenna of butterfly W.M.,
Mosquito Mouth Parts W.M., Honeybee Mouth Parts W.M., Housefly Mouth
Parts W.M., Mosquito Wings W.M., House Fly Wing W.M., Butterfly Wings
Ocales W.M., Dragonfly Wings W.M., Honeybee Wings W.M., Grasshoper
Wing W.M., Ant W.M., Aphis W.M., Silkworm Moth Larva W.M., Human Hair
W.M., Feather W.M., Underfur of Bird W.M., Smooth muscle islolated W.M.,
Smooth Muscle L.S.&C.S., Skeletal Muscle L.S.&C.S., Cardiac Muscle L.S.,
Human Cell Mucus Membrane Smear, Dense Connective Tissue Section,
Loose Connective Tissue Section, Cuboidal Epithelium Section, Ciliated
Epithelium Section, Adipose Cell Section, Oesophagus T.S., Stomach Section,
Small Intestine Section, Rectum C.S., Lung of Rabbit Section, Liver Section,
Kidney Section, Spleen Section, Pancreas Section, Lymph Node Section,
Urinary Bladder Section, Ureter C.S., Ovary Section, Testis Section,
Spermatozoa Smear, Uterus Sec., Oviduct T.S., Tongue L.S., Olfactory
Membrane Section, Hard Bone T.S., Hyaline Cartilage Section, Elastic
cartilage sec., Human Blood Smear, Frog Blood Smear, Fish Blood Smear,
Blood of Galus domesticus Smear, Motor Nerve W.M., Spinal Cord C.S.,
Nerves trunk L.S., Artery and Vein C.S., Arteriole C.S., Venae Cavac C.S., Skin
of Human(show hair follicle) Sec., Human Skin Sweat Gland Section, Tail
C.S., Mitosis of animal Sec., Meiosis of Grasshopper Sec., Chromosome of
human W.M.
Preparat Tumbuhan 100 Jenis :
Poa Leaf (cross section), Letter “e” W.M., Yeast-Budding W.M., Three type of
Bacteria Smear, Escherichia coli Smear, Staphylococcus aureus Smear,
Spirllum Smear, Aspergillus W.M., Penicillium W.M., Rhizopus W.M.,
Microgonidium W.M., Phylum Charophya W.M., Chladophora W.M.,
Melosira W.M., Bacillariophyta W.M., Chlamydomonas W.M., Volox W.M.,
Nostoc W.M., Spirogyia W.M., Spirogyia Conjugation W.M., Lichen Section,
Maroharttis Archegortia L.S., Marchantia Aritheridis L.S., Polytrichum
W.M., Polytrichum Antheridia L.S., Lichen apothecium sec., Nostoc
commune W.M., Spore of Equisetum arvense W.M., Strobile of Equisetum
arvense L.S., Cyphella of Marchantia Sec., Agaricus sec., Laminaria japonica
Sec., Mitosis – Onion Root Tip L.S., Zea Root C.S., Young Root of Broad Bean
C.S., Young root of Gossypium hirsutum C.S., Young root of Helianthus
annuu T.S., Vicia Faba Root Tip L.S., Zea Root, Tip L.S., Pine Root C.S.,
Ranunculus Root C.S., Eminal Bud Stem Tip L.S., Stem of Nerium indicum
T.S., Fern Stem C.S., Pine Stem L.S., Cotton Stem C.S., Soya Stem C.S., Stem of
Nymphaea tetragona T.S., Stem of Mentha haplocalyx T.S., Pine Stem C.S.,
Young stem of Ligustrum lucidum T.S., Rice Stem C.S., Sunflower Stem C.S.,
Zea Stem C.S., Zea Stem L.S., Stem of Wheat C.S.
Cucurbita Stem L.S., Tilia Stem C.S., Stem-Collenchyma C.S., Stem-Parenchyma C.S., Stem-Sclerenchvma C.S., Onion Epidermis W.M., Lower
epiderm of leaf of Vicia faba leaf W.M., Lower epiderm of leaf of Triticum
aestivum leaf W.M., Branched stellate hair of leaf epiderm W.M., Dandelion
Fuzz W.M., Berry Hair W.M., Fibre W.M., Corn Starch W.M., Plasmodesmus
Sec., Leaf of Hydrilla verticillata L.S., Leaf of Ligustrum lucidum T.S., Leaf
of Mentha Haplocalyx T.S., Leaf of Winter Jasmine C.S., Leaf of Nerium
indicum T.S., Leaf of Nymphaea tetragona T.S., Rhoeo Disolor Leaf W.M.,
Cotton Leaf C.S., Frond of Marchantia Sec., Leaf of Zea mays T.S., Pine Leaf
C.S., Pelargonium, of Leaf C.S., Funaria leaf , Leaf of Ficus carica T.S., Pine
Cone-Female L.S., Pine Young Staminate, Cone L.S., Cucurbita W.M.,
Vegetable Pollen W.M., Pea Pollen W.M., Pollen of Brassica campestris
var.oleifera W.M., Pine Pollen W.M., Pollen Gem W.M., Flower of Capsella
bursa-pastoris W.M., Flower bud of Lilium brownii var.viridulum T.S.,
Lillium Ovary C.S., Lillium Anther C.S., Fruit of Ficus carica T.S., Tomato
Flesh W.M., Pome Sclereid W.M., Zea Seed L.S.
200 Jenis Preparat Animal & Insect
Berat | 300 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 121 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
Lemari Asam PP/PVC 90x50x200 PhenolicUkuran : 1000 x 600 x 2000 mmMaterial Body : Polypropylene/PVC SheetMeja Kerja : Phenolic Resin, Ex. USAAir Flow 2100 m3/h, 2850 rpmPintu atas spiral balances dapat diatur naik turun diketinggian manapunPintu bawah 2 unit
Rp 55.000.000Lemari Asam Duraline 5FT-DL1500, Ex.USA/Malaysia Ukuran : 1500 x 810 x 2400 mm Material External : Electro-Galvanises Material Internal : Fiber reinforced Polyester Meja Kerja : Epoxy Resin 18mm Thick Complete with : Oval Polypropylene Drip Cup, OD 150mm 1x Remote control water & outlet 1x Remote control gas & outlet 2×20 watt Fluorescent light… selengkapnya
Rp 140.000.000Produksi saat order, lama produksi tergantung barang dan Workforce load Listrik + Interlock Door Dimensi : 750x600x450mm ( Lebar x Tinggi x Kedalaman ) Material : Epoxy Pintu Interlock Door (Jika 1 Pintu terbuka, 1 Pintu pasti tertutup) 1 Pintu sebagai Aktif, Mengirim material (Mengatur Power dan buka Tutup pintu, dilengkapi lampu indikator) 1 Pintu… selengkapnya
Rp 7.000.000Ukuran : 3000 x 600 x 800mm Body : Multiplex 18mm lapis HPL (High Pressure Laminate), Tahan Kimia, Tahan Panas, Tahan Air, Anti Jamur Warna HPL bisa disesuaikan dengan keinginan pembeli Meja Kerja : Granite Dilengkapi : 8 Unit Laci, 2 Unit Pintu 1 Set Saluran Air : Wastafel Sink Polypropylene, Water Outlet Epoxy Chemical… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSPCR CABINET 700×585 Steel Epoxy (For clean operations with DNA samples, provide protection against contamination) Dimensi keseluruhan : ±700x585x555mm Bench Top Material: Metal Steel Epoxy, Chemical Resistant Meja kerja : Metal Steel Epoxy Chemical Resistant Pintu Kaca depan : Akrilik bening Panel Samping : Metal Steel Epoxy 2 Unit Open Lampu Ultraviolet Bactericidal UV-C, TUV… selengkapnya
Rp 9.000.000Ukuran : 1200 x 450 x 950 mm Bahan : Multiplek 18mm, lapis Full HPL* High Pressure Laminate (Tahan Kimia umum, air, jamur, panas) Electric : 8 Unit Stopkontak Dilengkapi Saluran Air – Wastafel/Sink Stainless Steel, Water outlet Chrome – Leher Angsa dari PVC
*Harga Hubungi CSTanyakan stok dulu sebelum membeli ya
*Harga Hubungi CSProduksi saat order, lama produksi tergantung barang dan Workforce load Listrik + Interlock Door Dimensi : 400x400x400mm ( Lebar x Tinggi x Kedalaman ) Material : Epoxy Pintu Interlock Door (Jika 1 Pintu terbuka, 1 Pintu pasti tertutup) 1 Pintu sebagai Aktif, Mengirim material (Mengatur Power dan buka Tutup pintu, dilengkapi lampu indikator) 1 Pintu… selengkapnya
Rp 3.200.000Indoor Temperature Hygrometer Outdoor Temperature Max-min function Weather forecast Temperature Hygrometer transmitter
*Harga Hubungi CS
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