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- Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer Meter DO9100
- Fogging Machine SF150 Ex. Korea
- Fire Blanket / Selimut Api Hardcase 120x120
- Wireless Rain Gauge Digital WH0531 Pengukur Curah
- Meja Kerja Workstation 5 Laci Bagian Bawah dan 1 R
- 4 Kursi Penonton/Kursi Tunggu Fiberglass Rangka
- Lemari Display Perpustakaan 5 Sekat
- Liquid Filling Nozzle DN15 18MM L130MM
50 Jenis Preparat Parasitologi
Stok | Tersedia |
Kategori | Laboratorium |
50 Jenis Preparat Parasitologi
Tanyakan stok sebelum membeli ya
Terdiri dari :
Plasmodium vivax W.M., Plasmodium falciparum W.M., trophozoite of
toxoplasma gondii W.M, adult of Fasciolopsis buski sec., Adult of Fasciola
hepatica sec., adult of paragonimus westermani.W.M, Schistosoma
japonicum(female)W.M, Schistosoma japonicum(male)W.M., Sexual mosaic
of Schistosoma japonicum W.M., Eggs of Schistosoma japonicum
W.M.(natural color), Miracidium of Schistosoma japonicumW.M., Cercaria
of Schistosoma japonicum W.M., Eggs of Taenia solium W.M.(natural
color), Scolex of Taenia solium(uncinal taenia)W.M., Mature proglottid of
Taenia solium W.M., Gravid proglottid of Taenia solium W.M., Cysticercus
of taenia solium W.M., Eggs of Taeniarhynchus saginatus W.M.(natural
color), Scolex of Taeniarhynchus saginatus W.M., Mature proglottid of
Taeniarhynchus saginatus W.M., Immature proglottid of Taeniarhynchus
saginatus W.M., Gravid proglottid of Taeniarhynchus saginatus W.M.,
Cysticercus bovis W.M., Adult of Echinococcus granulosus W.M., Hydatid
sand W.M.(protosolex), Anterior end of Ascarid lumbricoide W.M, Posterior
end of Male Ascarid lumbricoide W.M., Eggs of Trichuris W.M.(natural
color), Female Trichuris W.M., Male Trichuris W.M.MP, Eggs of Enterobius
W.M.(natural color), ancylostoma female W.M., ancylostoma male W.M.,
Eggs of Ancylostoma W.M.(natural color), Ancylostoma copulatory bursa
W., Ancylostoma oral capsule W.M, Vaginal Trichomonas W.M., cyst of
entamoeba histolytica W.M, Amebic cyst in the colon W.M, Adult of
Trichinella spiralis W.M., larva cyst of Trichinella spiralis W.M., cyst of
Giardia lamblia W.M, trophozoite of Giardia lamblia W.M, pneumocystis
carinii W.M, amastigote of leishmania donovani, promastigote of
leishmania donovani, mixed eggs W.M (natural color), egg of Hymenolepis
nana W.M (natural color), egg of spirometra mansoni(natural color), adult
of ixodid tick W.M
50 Jenis Preparat Parasitologi
Berat | 300 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 106 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
Pass Box Epoxy 70x70x50 cm Listrik+Lampu UVC+Lampu TL+Interlock Door Dimensi : 700x700x500mm ( Lebar x Tinggi x Kedalaman ) Material : Epoxy Pintu Interlock Door (Jika 1 Pintu terbuka, 1 Pintu pasti tertutup) Electromagnetic Door 1 Unit Lampu Ultraviolet 1 Unit Lampu TL 1 Pintu sebagai Aktif, Mengirim material (Mengatur Power, Lampu UV, TL, dan… selengkapnya
Rp 9.000.000Produksi saat order, lama tergantung produk dan workforce load Listrik+Lampu UVC+Lampu TL+Interlock Door Dimensi : 1000x1000x500mm ( Lebar x Tinggi x Kedalaman ) Material : Epoxy Pintu Interlock Door (Jika 1 Pintu terbuka, 1 Pintu pasti tertutup) 1 Unit Lampu Ultraviolet 1 Unit Lampu TL 1 Pintu sebagai Aktif, Mengirim material (Mengatur Power, Lampu UV,… selengkapnya
Rp 10.000.000Bench Mount Handheld One Sprayhead Material : stainless steel and plastic Water supply : 1/2″IPS Water outlet : 1-1/4″IPS Flow control : 9-11L/Min Hydraulic pressure : 0.2-0.6MPA
Rp 1.400.000Elektrik Portable Wastafel 90×55 Granite Kokoh, Ukuran : 900 x 550 x 800mm Body : Multiplex 18mm lapis HPL, High Pressure Laminate Meja Kerja : Granite, Wastafel : Stainless Steel Water Tap : Chrome Kapasitas Air Bersih : 60 Liter Kapasitas Air buangan : 60 Liter Dilengkapi : Indikator air penuh dan kosong Menggunakan Electric… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSDigital Flowmeter Electronic Fuel Meter 2 inch For measuring Diesel, Kerosene, Gasoline, Solar, Bensin, dll Turbine Flowmeter Size 2 inch Maximum Working Pressure: 20 bar Operating Voltage : 2.3 – 3.3V Flow Range : 15-20 L/min Suitable for use with output modules sensors and remote transmitters
Rp 1.100.000Barang ini diproduksi saat order, lama produksi tergantung Barang Meja Laboratorium HPL 0130 Ukuran : 1300 x 600 x 750 mm Bahan : Mild Steel Finishing Powder Coating/Epoxy Chemical Resistant Meja untuk 2 orang Meja Kerja : HPL (High Presure Laminate) 1 Unit Laci Dilengkapi roda dan stopper untuk mobile Dapat digunakan sebagai PCR Cabinet
*Harga Hubungi CSIsland Bench Phenolic 13-240CPR Spesifications: Multiplex tebal 18 mm (Standard Laboratorium Furniture) Outer & Inner : Full Dilapis HPL, High Pressure Laminate Dimensi PxLxT : ±2400 x 1200 x 850 mm Table Top/Meja Kerja : Phenolic Resin 13 mm, Ex. USA 6 Pintu, 12 Laci 4 pcs single electric socket closed cap DILENGKAPI DENGAN :… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSBarang ini produksi saat order (PO), lama produksi tergantung barang dan Workforce Load 39 Pegs 2 Rak untuk Tempat Tabung Reaksi Dari tiap peg keluar Hot Air (Udara panas) Dimensi : ±540x350x825mm 220V, ±350Watt x 4 Adjustment knob untuk mengatur kecepatan On Off Heater, Always on blower
*Harga Hubungi CSKokoh, Tahan Lama multiplex Lapis HPL, High Pressure Laminate (Tahan Air, Jamur, Panas, Bahan Kimia*) Dimensi PxLxT : 900 x 550 x 1800 mm Pintu Atas dilapisi dengan kaca 4 Pintu 1 Laci Bagian Atas terdiri dari 4 Rak Almunium, besar 90 mm sedang 50 mm kecil 30 mm 1 Unit Nampan… selengkapnya
Rp 5.700.000
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