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- Pass Box Epoxy 100 x 100 x 50 cm Interlock Door Sy
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100 Jenis Preparat Batu Mineral Big Box
Stok | Tersedia |
Kategori | Laboratorium |
100 Jenis Preparat Batu Mineral Big Box
Tanyakan stok sebelum membeli ya
Terdiri dari :
Kimberlite, Quartzite, Ledikite claystone, Limestone, Gritstone, Quartz
sandstone, Coarse siltstone, Glauconitic sandstone, Diorite, Simaite,
Vesticular basalt, Shallow particle rock, Augite, Calcareous sandstone, Mica
Schist, Mellar packsand, Siliceous sandstone, Green schist, Crinoidal
limestone, Verrucano, Picrite, Diorite-porphyrite, Silty siliceous shale,
Chalcedonic, Flint zebra limestone, Muscovite-quartz schist, Green rock-
fragment sandstone, Calcirudyte, Dolomite, Chlorite-garnet schist,
Olivinization marble, Oolite siderite, Yellow sand litharenite, Arkose,
Siliceous phyllite, Glauconite, Greywacke, Plagioclase, Spotted pentlandite,
Monzonite, Porphyritic granite
Wernerite, Biotite, Nodular ore, Sodalite, Iherzolite, Hematite, Rose quartz,
Lapis lazuli, Phlogopite, Jasper, Actinolit, Gigantic swinestone, Magnesite,
Sericolite, Opal, Mournite, Hsiuyen jade, Siltite, Iron cementitious
sandstone, Silty shale, Mecrocrystalline marble, Black pumicite, Minette,
Chlorite, Almandine chlorite schist, Zeolite, Biotite schist, Serpentine
bowlder, Silicon taconite, Tufa, Dichroite cordierite taconite, Albite,
Phyllite, Aporhyolite, Dacite porphyrite, Nepheline syenite, Banded oolitic
dolomite, Hornblende andesite, Pozzuolana, Hyalopsite, Staurolite schist,
Ignimbrite, Argillaceous sandstone, Green rock-fragment sandstone,
Quartzose conglomerate, Biotite plagioclase gneiss, Tremolite schist,
Granitization granite, Greisen, Lithophysa basalt, Banded dolomitize
marble, Biotite granulite, Altered diorite, Vesicular lava, Coquina,
Amphibolite, Carboncaceous-siliceous slate, Diopside marble, Silicalite
100 Jenis Preparat Batu Mineral Big Box
Berat | 300 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 123 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
Application for : Wheat(6-40%), Barley(6-40%), Corn(6-40%), Soybeans(6-30%), Raw Coffee(4-30%), Green Coffee(4-30%), Roast Coffee(1-20%), Clove(6- 20%), Peanuts(4-15%), Black Papper(4-20%), Mung Bean(6-30%), Rice Long(9-20%) Measuring Method : Dielectric Constant Measuring Range : 1-40% (depending on Grain Type) Accuracy : 0.5% Power Source : 4pcs. “AA” Batteries Dimensions : 130 (W) X 190 (D) X 210 (H) mm… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSBeaker Clamp holder Open Range: 200cm Length: 250mm Net Weight: 200g
*Harga Hubungi CSProduksi saat order, lama tergantung produk dan workforce load Listrik+Lampu UVC+Lampu TL+Interlock Door Dimensi : 500x500x500mm ( Lebar x Tinggi x Kedalaman ) Material : Epoxy Pintu Interlock Door (Jika 1 Pintu terbuka, 1 Pintu pasti tertutup) 1 Unit Lampu Ultraviolet 1 Unit Lampu TL 1 Pintu sebagai Aktif, Mengirim material (Mengatur Power, Lampu UV,… selengkapnya
Rp 5.200.000Barang ini diproduksi saat order, lama produksi tergantung Barang Meja Laboratorium 0105 Ukuran : 1200 x 600 x 800 mm Bahan : Multiplek 18mm, lapis Full HPL* High Pressure Laminate (Tahan Kimia umum, air, jamur, panas Meja untuk 2 orang siswa, dengan 2 laci terbuka Rangka Tiang : Pipa Besi, Epoxy
*Harga Hubungi CSBrand name: Joanlab Product name: 0.1mg Analytical Balance Product Feature: 1. Electromagnetic force compensation technology 2. Aluminum alloy die cast base and stainless steel pan 3. Super bright LED display with backlight 4. RS232 Interface 5. Clear glass windshield supplied as standard 6. Overload protection,bubble level adjustment, under hook 7. Full capacity substraction 8. Multi… selengkapnya
Rp 9.500.000Dissolved Oxygen Meter DO9100 mudah digunakan dan cepat dalam mencapai titik stabil nya paling lama 45 detik. Sudah menggukanan kabel 1 meter memudahkan untuk pengukuran DO pada kedalaman tertentu. Kalibrasi menggunakan reagent A dan larutan saturated oksigen (menggunakan selang + pompa udara pada air kran yang ditaruh pada beaker glass. (sudah termasuk pompa udara). Features:… selengkapnya
Rp 1.300.000Lemari Asam Full HPL 70x60x200–316Ukuran : 700 x 600 x 2000 mmMaterial Body : Multiplex 18 mm lapis HPLMeja Kerja : Stainless 316Air Flow 1100 m3/h, 2800 rpmPintu atas spiral balances dapat diatur naik turun diketinggian manapunPintu bawah 2 unit Wajib packing kayu!
Rp 12.500.000Lemari Asam FULL HPL 180x60x240 PhenolicUkuran : 1800 x 600 x 2400 mmMaterial Body : Multiplex 18 mm lapis HPLMeja Kerja : Phenolic Resin, Ex. USAAir Flow 2100 m3/h, 2850 rpmPintu atas spiral balances dapat diatur naik turun diketinggian manapunPintu bawah 3 unit Wajib packing kayu!
Rp 21.000.000Barang ini Produksi Saat Order, Lama Produksi tergantung Barang, ISB-8 PR12 Body : Multiplex 18mm, Full High Pressure Laminate Top Table : Phenolic Resin 12mm, Ex. Cina Dimensi : 2400x1200x850mm 6 Pintu, 12 Laci
*Harga Hubungi CS
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